
BCC 2005-2006

Climbers information

20 september 2005, 


The organisation is shared between the Club Alpin Belge - CAB (administrable part) and the Belgian Commission for competition climbing - BCC (technical part).


  Date Where
1. Samedi 1er octobre 2005 Klimzaal BLOK (Wilrijk)
2. Samedi 15 octobre 2005 Roc House (Bruxelles)
3. Dimanche 13 novembre 2005 Entre Ciel et Terre (Louvain La Neuve)

Competition formula

The idea behind this formula is that the climbers will have a common work-out time during which they can work out the boulders (1 hour). After this time the actual competition will take place. During the competition period (2 hours), the climbers can move freely around in the competition area. They can choose when and how many times they will try a boulder. Before every attempt they will hand over their personal card to the boulder judge. The judge will fill in the card according to the international rules.

There will be 3 different categories*:

C category: 12 boulders 6a to 7a
B category: 12 boulders 6b to 7b
A category: 12 boulders 6c to 7c

*we use the grading for difficulty climbing

Categories for men and women are identical. For women boulders in all categories can contain extra holds.


Inscriptions have to be done before each Cup. Before every Cup, climbers need to inscribe at the CAB-office (081/23.43.20 - Mo-Fr from 9u00 tot 12u00 or [email protected] or on www.clubalpin.be) at least the wednesday before the cup at 12.00 hours. Inscriptions open from 15 september 2005. All participant climbers are born in or before 1991. Younger climbers can obtain a 'wild card' and will compete out of category. To obtain a 'wild card', a motivation has to be send from the trainer or parent to the principal judge Wim Verhoeven.

Time schedule

Group 1
8 - 8.45 hours: registration
8.45 hours: briefing
9 - 10 hours: warming up + work-out time
10 - 12 hours: competition period
12-13 hours: compiling results and break judges
Group 2
(these climbers will not be allowed in the climbing hall before 12 AM)
12 - 12.45 hours: registration
12.45 hours: briefing
13 hour - 14 hours: warming up + work-out time
14 - 16 hours: competition period
16 - 17 hours: compiling results
17 hours: proclamation official ranking


      1 competition        3 competitions   
members (CAB-BAC-VBSF)

10 ?

20 ?

non members

15 ?

35 ?


First three women and first five men of the actual National Ranking will be invited for the BCC-boulder 2003-2004.

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