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Ongeval op manaslu

Eddy de Ouwe Rakker 5 4167 24-9-2012 14:42  


Eddy de Ouwe Rakker
waar is mijn persoonlijke barkruk?
895 posts



Ongeval op manaslu

Er is blijkbaar in de buurt van de top van de manaslu een lawine geweest - Er waren meer dan 330 klimmers lid van verscheidene expedities die de normaalweg probeerden.
Er zouden een tiental doden of vermisten zijn waaronder een drietal Franse berggidsen uit Chamonix.



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Update via Kenton Cool

An update about friends on Manalsu...seriously hoping for good news in the morning

It was a major, major accident. There are up to 14 people missing. There were 25 tents at Camp 3 [6800m] and all of them were destroyed, 12 tents at Camp 2 [6300m] were banged up and moved around. Greg and I were in a tent together, Rém...y was in another. It was 4:45a and I was in my sleeping bag with my headlamp on reading my devotional when we heard a roar. Greg looked at me and said, That was a
big gust of wind, then a second later, No, that was an avalanche. Then it hit us. I was swept 300 meters over a serac and down the mountain and came to a stop still in my sleeping bag, still inside the tent. We all went to sleep with avalanche transceivers on so I punched my way out of the tent and started searching. Searched for 10 minutes when I realized I was barefoot. Greg was using my down suit for a pillow and I found my suit, I found everything that was in my tent camera, sleeping bag, ski boots, it was like someone had thrown my gear in the back of a pickup but there was no sign of Greg. Rémy and his tent are nowhere to be found.

The Dynafit crew were sleeping at a high Camp 2 and were immediately on site to rescue people. Sergio, Stephane, Doji our Sherpa all strong alpinists have all come up to search. Weve done three searches and when the fog rolled in we had to call it off.

It was a massive serac fall, probably 600 to 700 meters across. Its a war zone up here.

23 September 2012, Manaslu Camp 3 (6800m) The worst of phone calls came through a few minutes ago when Kimberly Plake called. Theres been a massive avalanche at Camp 3. Glens OK but he told me, Rémy and Greg are gone.

Glen told Kimberly that he thought there were around 16 climbers in Camp 3 (6800m) and that he was in his tent reading his Bible when a massive avalanche ripped through the camp. Glen was rescued from a crevasse by Canadian skier Greg Hills team who were helping him down the mountain when he called.

Greg Hill reports on his Facebook page that his team are all OK.

Factual information is sketchy but police officials report that rescuers have recovered the bodies of a German guide and Nepalese guide and that seven other bodies have been spotted. Around 13 are believed to be missing. Other reports indicate that between five to eight injured climbers had been evacuated by helicopter to Katmandu before rescue efforts were called off due to bad weather.

Please keep Rémy Lécluse and Greg Costa along with their friends and family in your thoughts and prayers. With hope, they might be some of the climbers that were flown to Katmandu.

Ill continue to update this post as news comes in.



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Is er nieuws van onze Belg ?



waar is mijn persoonlijke barkruk?
715 posts



Gelukkig alles OK met Wim

Wim is safe and sound in BC

September 23, 2012 at 13:54




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