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The Feetforward project

IDTUE 8 2296 20-12-2013 17:41  


een waterke aub!
3 posts



The Feetforward project

Would you like a wearable device that gives you feedback so you can optimize your climbing technique?

We are a group of first years Industrial Design students at the University of Eindhoven and we would like to know your opinion. Currently we are working on a project called Wearable Senses, it is about integrating technology in clothing and textiles. We looked at several subjects and we ended up finding wallclimbing (bouldering) the most fascinating. We did some research and spoke to several climbers and eventually we came up with a design for a flexible device for your feet that will be able to measure whether you change the position of your feet often or not since that is a common mistake. The device will send the data to your smartphone and it will give you immediate feedback on how you can improve your technique.

However, we would like to extend the group of climbers we know since our feedback at the moment is rather limited. We would like to involve you guys in the designing process and therefore I would be very grateful if you could help us out with tips & tricks and maybe more common climbingerrors which we could tackle by integrating it in our product.
If you like it I will keep you updated in the future, who knows, maybe you can even test the prototypes!

See you on the wall!

The Feetforward Team



krijg ik een pintje?
26 posts



I think you'll find that most climbers have a bit too much ego for such a project ;P

I'm interested in helping you guys out, I know a few things as a designer, engineer and hobbyist climber.. but don't expect me to kick ass, I'm not that great xP



een waterke aub!
3 posts



I am sure you can help us out!

I dont think the ego-part will matter much haha, it wont be a product destined for the market, it is more of a learning experience.

But you can help us out by suggesting idea's or by giving us tips & tricks, that would be great!



Rudi Frankinouille
waar is mijn persoonlijke barkruk?
524 posts
Ik heb laagtevrees...




Zijn jullie Nederlanders?



een waterke aub!
9 posts



you should also plant your feet directly on the block and not glide on the block (don't scrape the wall first before your feet is on the block)

i know some instructors/teachers and i'll ask them if they have some extra tips.

good luck with your project!



een waterke aub!
3 posts



thanks guys! we are working hard on it at the moment.
And yes, we are dutch but our entire education is in english, its easier for us to communicate like this.



Rudi Frankinouille
waar is mijn persoonlijke barkruk?
524 posts
Ik heb laagtevrees...



op een overwegend Vlaams forum? Crazy dutchmen...
Men is momenteel veel onderzoen aan het doen met insole-systeem drukmeting bij oa. lopers. Contacteer zeker eens Kristiaan D'Aout. Die heeft nu een leerstoel in Liverpool.
Ik doe ook onderzoek en ben wel geïnteresseerd...



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